Comm 182 Introductory Post

This is my first blog post for the blogging portion of the Stanford Comm 182 course. I took Comm 183 last quarter, and I grew to really enjoy Professor Rheingold’s style of teaching and the co-learning atmosphere. I’m very excited to get to know my co-learners for this course and to begin our journey together.  I’m an avid social media user looking forward to expanding my social media knowledge/experience. I’m particularly interested in how technology has/is/will continue to shape our perception of the self, human identity, and interpersonal relationships.

Here at Stanford, I study Film/Media Studies and HumBio. However, I’m trying to change the Film major to a minor and major in Comm instead. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Outside of class, my two greatest passions are thinking and health. I love all things glittery and organic.