I mention earlier that I recently started using the collaboration app stack and quip. Each of the apps basically do the same thing which is providing a cloud space to work on and save documents with team members. It’s “suppose” to be better version of Google doc which I can see in some ways after using it for a while. I’m bringing these up since we were assigned to work together for our group projects. Since we are using the forum to sign and discuss ideas regarding our group projects, I can better understand how and why collaboration apps such as the one I mentioned are growing in popularity. One tool of stack is that you can create specific to do list that are only seemed between whoever assigned the tasks and who is suppose to complete. Also, I thought having the ability to message and flag directly in a document (depending on what type of file). It is also nice to be able to import from Google, evernote, dropbox or other usable programs makes putting things together easier. Those are a few helpful tools. I still want to try some of the video conferencing app for working in teams. I have used split screen Skype to be able to speak to video chat multiple people at a time. It seems like it works great ( I have not use that feature that much), but I am sure some improvements could be made just to enhance a work environment. What do you guys think? How could a video collaboration tools create a more work than social environment?